Adding a user

Quest QorePortal users who are assigned a role with the Users permission have the ability to invite new users to organizations and subgroups in the portal.

A user added to a top level also has access to all of the levels below it: If added to a root organization, a user can access any subgroups and Cores within that organization; if added to a subgroup, a user can access only the Cores and subgroups for that subgroup, and so on.

To invite a new user, complete the following steps:

  1. From the portal, do one of the following:
    • Click Users.
      • Next to the search bar, above the list of users, click Invite User.
    • Click Organizations.
      • For each organization or subgroup, click the Actions menu iconMore menu.
  2. In the Invite User dialog box, enter the following information for the new user:
    • Email address
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Organization or subgroup (unless prepopulated)
    • Role, such as Owner, Administrator, or Reader.
  3. Click Invite.

Next steps

After this procedure is completed, the system sends an invitation email to the invited user. The status of the invited user at this point is Not Activated.

When the invited user follows the registration link and completes the registration, a Quest Rapid Recovery user account is created in the sibling portal, the Rapid Recovery License Portal. After login to the license portal, the status of the invited user in the QorePortal changes to Active.

The user can then log into the QorePortal at After login, the QorePortal dashboard displays, and a dialog box appears in which the user is prompted to accept the Software Transaction Agreement. Only users who accept the agreement can access the portal.