Adding a tag

Follow this procedure to add a new tag to an object in the QorePortal, whether that object is already tagged or whether you are adding the first tag.

  1. Navigate to the page that shows objects in list view. For example, to add a tag to a protected machine, go to the Machines page under Systems.
  2. Click the More menuMore menu for the selected object, and then select one of the following:
    • If the object already has one or more tags assigned, select Update tag iconUpdate tags.

      The Update tags dialog box appears, listing the existing tag names. Proceed to step 3.

    • If the object has no tags assigned, select Add tag iconAdd tags.

      The Add tags dialog box appears. Skip to step 4.

  3. In the Update tags dialog box, to the right of the existing tags, click + Tag, and then type the name of the new tag. Skip to step 5.
  4. In the Add tags dialog box , in the Enter a new tag text box, type the name of the new tag. Proceed to the next step.
  5. As a best practice, when naming a new tag, avoid using any of the following special characters: " / [ : ] ; | = , + * <
  6. Optionally, if you want to create more new tags for the selected object, press [Enter], and without moving your cursor, type the name of the next tag you want to create. Repeat as necessary.
  7. To save your tags and close the dialog box, click Add tags or Update tags, respectively.

    The dialog box closes. A few seconds later, the page refreshes, showing your new tags.